Reflections of the Fragmented Self
248,000円 合人民币: 12245.76
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"Identity Undead: A Postmodern Memento Mori"
Unpublished artworks by young Japanese artists
This haunting mixed media piece confronts the fragmented nature of identity in the modern world. A zombie-like figure gazes into a mirror, its dissonant reflection symbolizing the shattering of the unified self. The mirror motif implies the other's gaze shaping our self-perception, while the zombie metaphor captures the precarious liminality of our existence between life and death.
A QR code integrated into the composition links to an augmented reality experience, highlighting technology's role in perpetually reshaping human identity.
"Identity Undead" is a profound contemporary meditation on life's great mysteries that will unsettle and enlighten viewers in equal measure. For collectors of thought-provoking, boundary-pushing art investigating the human condition, this piece is an essential acquisition.
I'll send you the third one.
Size: 120cm x 140cm
#art #modernart #japaneseart #artworks
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